Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Recap

Great friends spent weekend with us (minus being gone all day Saturday). I miss my friend Lori, and although I'm thankful we still talk on the phone most every week, there's nothing like being together in person.  And our four friends for 8 years now...ages 8,10,10,11.  It literally took them 2 minutes to begin giggling together again.  We only live 3 hours away, but when you have every day life, it's hard to connect in person!  We played cards late Friday night and had a campfire late Saturday night and explored Wilson's Creek on Sunday.

The girls also added some springtime color to our yard, while we are waiting for things to bloom. Meanwhile Mike & I spent the day fixing leak in pond (mike), pulling weeds, putting down 15 bags of mulch, and filling sinkholes. What a productive day! 

The girls also had a funeral for their beloved ladybug, Phil.  So many flowers. He was a loved lady-bug. And they decided it was warm enough to soak themselves in water.  And I felt like a hillbilly telling them, "Use walmart bags for water balloons." But really, I'm just resourceful, right?! Recycling. It's a good thing. :) 

Oh I also got in a nap, a few walks, got a few projects finished (like making cards and finally finishing Morgan's Pi border in her room.) She's up to memorizing 50 digits. There are 160 digits on her wall, so we'll see if she makes it to 160! :) 

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