Monday, February 27, 2012


I hadn't plan to blog at all this morning - but here I am, writing my second blog post. Guess my heart is just feeling full and since I got a few extra minutes this morning, why not write?!

16 years ago, today, I was hurrying to the hospital to await the arrival of my first nephew, Steve! I still remember the day like it was yesterday. My sister calling - Mike skipping classes for the day - Me dodging out of work - driving 1.5 hours, hoping to get there in time. Little did we know we'd be there ALL day long. Steve was quite content inside his momma's tummy. I think he didn't want to leave the closeness of her heart - and the deep love he already knew - little did he know that her love would become even deeper as she held him that day - and every day as the years have gone by (gone by too quickly, I might add!).

I also remember that on that day, was Mike's Nana's visitation - and he forgot his suit, so he had to go and buy a new one on the way to visitation. I remember he went to the visitation in the evening, and yet, I did not go, as I could not leave that hospital until I saw my new nephew and knew my sister was well. She had a really long labor, that eventually ended in a c-section after much pushing going nowhere. My sweet 'baby sister', I have always loved you so much. And your kids are just an extension of you, how can I not love them ever so deeply too?!

The funny thing I remember about the day is that when we finally got to leave the hospital somewhere after 10pm - within 5 minutes we got pulled over - the officer wanted to make sure Mike wasn't drunk (my husband?! ha! never a day in his life!). I guess it was a long day for both of us - and we were tired - and glad for the 'wake up call' from the officer to safely drive back home.

I am so very thankful that Steve was born! I have so many sweet memories of these past 16 years. Unfortunately we had to move 4 months after he was born...waaaay to far away. I've never been there for even one of his birthdays. And that makes me a bit sad. (okay, maybe more than a 'bit' sad - since I just found myself wiping away a tear that decided to sneak out and down my cheek!). But for all the memories of all the times we have shared in between, I am thankful.  I look forward to seeing what amazing things God has in store for his life as he becomes 'all grown up' on me!

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