...but this week I'm picking up my new ironing board cover! Look at this gorgeousness!!
Oh, I do think I will smile every time I get my ironing board out now. Sometimes it's the simple things that make the mundane tasks oh so much happier to complete!
And you know the best part? I won this! Yes, this was custom-made for me! How fun is that! I entered a little contest on a blog I love...The Vintage Grove...and I actually won! You know what I love about her blog? It makes me smile all the time - she is a genuinely happy person - and it bubbles out of her words and her ventures - and you can't help but smile! And be inspired, especially if you like all things vintage (or have a red velvet obsession!). So, to the beautiful person (Danavee) who had this giveaway on her blog, Thank You!!
And she has this friend, who was nice enough to volunteer her time to make this beautiful ironing board cover, who also has a cute blog called Spray Paint and a Staple Gun. Isn't it nice that there are still such sweet people in the world?!? In the past, a lot of the blogs I followed were by people I knew, but lately, I've had fun following some other blogs that are inspiring out there. And besides, you never know when some stranger might actually become a friend in the blog world. I like the connection and the inspiration the blogging world brings to my life! (And I love my RSS Feed that helps me not miss a single post!)
And as long as we're talking blogs, and inspiration, I've so loved the growing friendship I've found with Heidi at The Good Stuff Guide. I've really been enjoying writing some articles there too!