This is the weekend before Christmas and other than two birthday parties and church, we have no commitments! So we are savoring the family time we have!

Mike's Gram (almost 94) loves the game scrabble. I have fond memories of playing it at her dining room table when we visited her in upstate NY. Well, she always sends us money for Christmas, and I knew that I wanted to take some of the money and buy the materials to make this - A GIANT scrabble game!! (although we'll play it more like banagrams, as there is no 'official' board.)

Mike made the frame for me today and I'm not sure if my smile was bigger or the girls when it got hung up! As you can see from the pictures, the girls had lots of fun creating a full board before bedtime tonight.

I have a feeling this will create hours of entertainment for our family, and any friends who stop by and want to add a word or two!! I also love it because it will be a reminder of the sweet lady we know and get to call "Gram"!
Today, we also made some Christmas candy, watched a Christmas movie, opened presents from the neighbor and the ones that came in the mail from distant cousins. Tomorrow, we plan to go look at Christmas lights. Oh, and today, we also got out our "Christmas Train." It's not really Christmasy, except we get it out only at Christmas time. It was Mike's dad's train, so it's over 60 years old. As you can see from the picture, the girls love getting out all their doll house and polly toys (that they rarely play with these days) and they create an entire village around the train. I love Christmastime! And I love spending it unrushed with those I love the most!!