Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beautiful Morning

Last night it was warm enough to sleep with the windows open. What a beautiful morning to wake to the birds singing, the sun shinning thru the window and a breath of freshness! But what I most enjoyed was some extended time I had in conversation with God this morning. I explored with Him some more of this issue on Trust and why it's hard. I will save those insights for perhaps another blog. But it was a beautiful morning! And I'm thankful too my girls slept in a bit to give me this peacefulness this morning.

My sister-in-law, who has kids the same age as me, shared this in an email with me, and it so touched me, I wanted to share it with you:
"From reading your blog, I can see you are having similar feelings on part of them growing up way to fast.... The one thing I have noticed though, is that those precious moments keep happening... I don't seem to run out of new moments that I wish I could hold on to forever. I think the types of moments change and the kids are a little older, but the moments keep still coming none the less."
The moments keep coming... The moments keep coming... Thank you God, that there will always be moments, they will change, but yet they will come and keep filling my life!

Also, there are often articles in the paper about the new crime lab in Springfield, here's the latest, http://krcg.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=133304, if you'd like to keep in that loop! It's hard to believe that Mike's been at the lab 12 years now! I am so proud of him and so thankful he's found a job he enjoys so much!

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