Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family Dinner

It's Day number 3 of #31days over at

I decided to focus on the little things I'm doing every day that make a difference in the lives of my girls. Even if the things themselves don't feel like much, over time, they add up to relationship, and create family togetherness, and shape character. 

Day 3: We eat family dinners around the table together.  In this society of go, go, go and do more, more, more -- I fight to keep dinner time sacred.

Oh we don't eat around the table every night together (just last night we ate in the car on the way to decorate the cubicle.) and often Friday nights you can find us eating pizza while watching a video (we just finished Back to the Future series!).

But not eating around the table is the exception rather than the norm.  

And our meals aren't gourmet by any means. This week it was sloppy joes, chinese takeout, and hot dogs. Don't judge. Cooking is not really my thing, and while we aren't super healthy eaters, we try to eat a balanced meal most nights with veggies/fruit thrown in.  Some weeks we eat better than others.  This week, not so much.

But that time around the table, it's sacred. It's connecting, laughing, sharing our days, discussing family matters, making plans together.  Most days it doesn't feel like much, but I know in my heart that this time shared is worth keeping a priority.

I wonder, do you think our society would have stronger families, stronger marriages, if the family dinner time was kept a priority in every family? Something to think about.  

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