Friday, June 22, 2012

Highs and Lows of My Week

It has been a week! It's hard to believe everything that has transpired this week. So here are the highs and lows of this past week -

Low - Got news my grandma was moved to Hospice this past week. Got other family news I'm trying to process, as well.
High - Morgan celebrated her 11th birthday and giggled all through the night with her friends
Low - My uncle was killed by a 19 year old drunk driver on Morgan's birthday
High - The girls went to Girl Scout Camp. So Mike and I skipped town and camped for 2 nights/3 days.
High - We rekindled an old love of mountain biking
Low - My body is bruised and scarred from bike crash
High - We climbed to the highest peak at Devil's Den State Park in Arkansas and soaked in the view.
Low - We climbed to the lowest point at Devil's Den State Park and sat in the coolness of the cave's entrance. (& actually this was a 'high' - one of my favorite 'moments')
High - We picked up our girls from camp
Low - They were extremely grumpy, which is why I sent them to bed at 7pm and they fell asleep by 7:30.
High - Two baby birds hatched in Sarah's window today.
Low - Found another sinkhole in our backyard.
High - Spoke with my family on the phone a lot this week
High - The replenishment that being with Mike, in the beautiful Ozark mountains, brought to my soul.
High - Reminder that God is a Rock, a strength that I can stand upon even when life seems to be shifting sand underneath me.
Rekindling an old love.
Our bikes resting after quite the workout! 

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